What is a Unitarian?
Unitarianism is a religious group that goes back several hundred years with roots in the Christian tradition. The original controversy that brought the movement into being was around the doctrine of the Trinity, and the right of individuals not to subscribe to this doctrine as their consciences dictated. Today Unitarians continue to value the freedom of everyone to seek truth and meaning for themselves. The fundamental tools for doing this are your life experiences, your reflection upon it, your intuitive understanding and the promptings of your own conscience. We try to be a community that welcomes you for who you are, complete with your beliefs, doubts and questions. Unitarians do not have set creeds or beliefs and our congregation is made up of people who draw from a wide range of faith traditions, as well as people who are humanists and atheists. To worship for us is to gather in community, to express our concerns, to explore questions of ultimate concern, and to find meaning in music, stillness and being together that points towards a bigger reality that some call ‘God.’
What is a Unitarian service like?
Our services at Bayshill Church in Cheltenham are less formal than you might expect – we don’t have pews, but sit in comfortable chairs set out in a circle. Usually there are hymns and readings, but sometimes it’s more of a discussion group.
All our services are followed by refreshments, which presents a great opportunity for everyone to get together for convivial company and conversation.
We meet at 11.00 am on most Sundays at Bayshill Church in Royal Well Lane, Cheltenham, but on the first Sunday of each month our service is online via Zoom – please do come along and join us, you will be made very welcome, whether in-person or online. Check our ‘What’s On‘ page for details of what is coming up.
More information
For more information about us and Unitarianism, see our links and resources page.